
Download a PDF version of the summit programme here.

Download abstracts for parallel sessions here.


Registration and refreshments Main entrance to Sammy Ofer Centre, Ground floor

Welcome: Louise Banahene MBE, University of Leeds Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

Keynote address: Dr Chantelle Lewis & Professor Jason Arday Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3





Refreshments outside Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3 & SO.E3.12


Parallel Session 1

Widening access to postgraduate taught and doctoral research for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds (Cassie Hugill: Martingale Foundation) Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

Addressing Isolation among Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic Postgraduate Students: A Case Study of the Brad-ATTAIN PGR Networking Bootcamp (Tiffany Holloman: University of Bradford) Lecture Theatre 19, Level 3

Roles for Students’ Unions: a place to belong, a foil to power, and a site for change (Matthew Bachmann: University of Leeds) Terrace Boardroom, Level 4


Parallel Session 2

Preparing students for the PGR application process: Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (George Gisborne: University of Leeds & Tom Murray: University of York) Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

Understanding PGT decision-making of students from Black backgrounds (Zara Lawson: Alterline Research & Jenn Coates: University of Leeds) Lecture Theatre 19, Level 3

The role of early career researchers in enhancing research culture (Jessica Wade: Imperial College London) Terrace Boardroom, Level 4


Parallel Session 3

Mobilising a diverse cohort of PGRs to inspire the next generation (Sabrina Luisi: The Brilliant Club) Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

The same but different: The career planning motivations and behaviours of WP and non-WP PGTs (Iwi Ugiagbe-Green: Manchester Metropolitan University) Lecture Theatre 19, Level 3

UNIQ+ research internship programme at the University of Oxford (Felicity Long: University of Oxford) Terrace Boardroom, Level 4

Spilling the tea on my degree - students only! (Sherry Iqbal: University of Leeds) SO.E1.04


Lunch The Dining Room, Sussex Place


Post-lunch energiser Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3


Student Panel Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3


Parallel Session 4

Patterns of transition from master’s degrees to research degrees: a first look using UK wide data (Paul Wakeling: University of York) Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

Exploring the experiences and support needs of neurodiverse doctoral students (Zhané Murrell-Smith & Roshni Marath Jairaj & Sherry Iqbal: University of Leeds) Lecture Theatre 19, Level 3

Using student voice to drive inclusivity (Sita Patel: The University of Law) Terrace Boardroom, Level 4


Refreshments outside Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3 & SO.E3.12


Parallel Session 5

Postgraduate Widening Participation at Cambridge: What we have learnt (and are still to learn) (Nuala Murray: University of Cambridge) Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3

Making the case for advocacy in doctoral education: training as transition for PhD supervisors and students (Maria Hussain: University of Leeds) Lecture Theatre 19, Level 3

In2Research: Participants reflections on a year-long access programme (Abigail Agyemang, Faiza Iqbal, Isha Negi, Rebecca Jelbert & Snigdha Dutta: University College London) Terrace Boardroom, Level 4


Reflections on the day and next steps: Lydia Wakefield-Yeung, London Business School Lecture Theatre 18, Level 3


Reception and networking The Garden Room (Sussex Place)
