• Reflect on what has (and has not) worked so far and share practical learning – including case-studies 

  • Centre co-creation with current and prospective Masters students and postgraduate researchers   

  • Identify upcoming or unaddressed challenges and explore mitigation strategies 

  • Explore approaches to addressing intersectional barriers to postgraduate access and participation 

 Where possible, proposals should aim to address one of the suggested topics below: 


  1. Outreach and engagement: including access to information and guidance, perceptions of postgraduate study and research, perceptions of providers, research internships, and collaboration with external partners 

  2. Equitable admissions: including universal design for applications, contextualised admissions, positive action, access to funding, and application support  

  3. Programme design and experience: including accessible programme design, academic support, peer support and networking, careers guidance and support, and cost pressures   

  4. Personal and non-academic support: including mental health and wellbeing support, access to facilities and participation in extra-curricular activities, and mentoring and support networks 

  5. Transition between postgraduate stages: including the postgraduate study to postgraduate research pipeline, transition between postgraduate study and research, embedding research experience in postgraduate study, and supporting successful transition into doctoral study 

  6. Student voice and co-creation: including students as change agents, engaging students to collaborate, and working with students to deliver postgraduate access and success initiatives 


 Session types 

  • Oral presentations (25 mins): Oral presentations should address the conference theme or one of the conference topics in an engaging way, leaving at least 5 minutes for questions.  

  • Interactive workshops (50 mins): workshop sessions should be participatory and allow attendees to actively engage with the topic and each other. Workshops should include exercises designed to encourage discussion, exploration and collaboration. Proposals should address which interactive tools or techniques will be used.   

  • Poster submission: Poster submissions represent information in a written or graphic format. Posters will be displayed at the symposium venue throughout the day.  


Submission timeline 

  • April 17: Open call for proposals 

  • 10 June: Submission deadline 

  • Friday 14 June: Acceptance notifications 

  • June 24: Agenda published 

  • July 18: Summit

Please note: the 2024 call for papers is now closed.

The summit invites session proposals that relate to any aspect of enhancing access and success in postgraduate study and/or research among underrepresented and minoritised groups and build on the theme “Shaping the future of postgraduate access and success.” We particularly welcome proposals that: 

Call for papers